ADHD in the Workplace Research

The Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA) is conducting an online (short) survey about ADHD issues in the workplace, so I thought I’d share.  They’re hoping to get 1,000 completed surveys by June, but the more we can submit, the better.  The ADDA will use the results to create an ADHD awareness publicity campaign to help educate the general public and employers about potential ADHD workplace issues and hopefully, potential solutions.  

The survey is geared toward adults with ADHD that are (or have been) employed.  I urge you guys to take a few minutes to complete it.  I promise it won’t take long.  This is important stuff.  The more completed surveys, the better the data.  You can read a little more about the survey in this ADHD Coaches Organization Circle or jump right to the survey here.

While accommodations for those with ADD / ADHD do exist, those waters are quite murky to try and navigate.  The stigma of ADHD can complicate things in the workplace, too.  Should you disclose your diagnosis to your employer or not?  If so, when is the appropriate time?

There are no black and white answers to these questions.  Each person (and each situation) deserves individual consideration.  Still, these are questions I’ve certainly asked myself.  And I’ve often been intimidated by the wealth of information that I’ve uncovered.

These are conversations we need to be having.  Research shows (see the infographic below) that workplace issues are more common for us ADHDers than they are for our non-ADHD counterparts.  This article on the UMASS study shows that a significantly higher percentage of adults with ADHD have a work history tainted by behavioral issues, boredom, firings, hostility and disciplinary actions.  Perhaps we can curb some of these issues through education, awareness, open communication and more easily attained accommodations…when needed.

That was my hope in completing the survey and it is my appeal to you guys to do the same.  Look, guys, all I’m saying is, an ADHD diagnosis is not an excuse to settle or give up.  An ADHD diagnosis is an explanation of differences, differences that are not fully understood at this point.  It is our responsibility to help others understand whenever we can.  There is always hope in understanding.

ADHD Issues in the Workplace GetNutMegged





  1. Thanks for sharing this info! It’s always a challenge letting employers know any sort of issue/challenge one has. I think one trick in disclosing one’s ADHD is being able to frame it a way that highlights your strengths of the job. In my experience and observations of others, it’s not the actual product that is hindered, but more the logistical things like being on time, getting easily distracted by interruptions, not keeping a neat workspace, etc. The other side of this coin, though is that a lot of employees with ADHD work late (either at the office or by taking work home) and are very passionate about their work and produce amazing results when they are given even small accommodations. For example, just knowing that you won’t be chastised for being 10 minutes late to work, or having a quiet place at the office (or local coffee shop) to retreat when you need to focus on a project without interruptions does wonders for many employees with ADHD.


    1. Thanks for your awesome comment! I agree that it’s the logistics that are hindered and not the actual product. A lot of the ADHDers I know are driven by a relentless passion for their work and they will go above and beyond to do what they need to do. And while they will oftentimes accomplish even more than they set out to do, it comes at a cost. Forcing yourself into the confines of societal standards is energy-draining and can actually be quite painful. Minor accommodations, as you mentioned, could alleviate this and would inevitably allow for more productivity – benefiting both the individual and the company. Thank you again for your input and suggestions!


  2. Reblogged this on Work-Life Strategies & Solutions and commented:
    Do you or someone you know have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? Consider taking the survey introduced in this blog post. The survey is being administered by the Attention Deficit Disorder Association, and results will be used to benefit those who have ADHD and experience workplace issues.


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