Look a Squirrel! …When People Joke About A.D.H.D.

ADHD Look a Squirrel GetNutMeggedOkay, guys, I’ve been busy creating social media accounts for the blog and I wanted a picture that could kind of stand by itself, without having to have an actual blog post…and I came up with this.

I was hiking with a friend a few months ago, just as the leaves were changing colors.  I had my camera with me because nature is awesome and leaves (changing colors, especially) are amazing.  In just over an hour’s time, I took 163 pictures.  Truth is, I’m kind of obsessed with photography and being outside.

After a while, the trail started getting crowded, which I totally hate.  I like the solitude of hiking and having other people on “my trail” stresses me out.  So, I was wrapping up the picture taking because I was ready to be away from all the people.

Anyway, I was in total book-it-and-get-the-hell-out mode when we came across this squirrel.  He was just sitting there, hangin’ out, eating a nut.  Just like a squirrel…so stereotypical, right?

Intrigued by the noshing squirrel, I started snapping away with my camera.  I crept closer…a little afraid he might lunge psychotically from the tree and latch his tiny claws into my face.

But he didn’t.  He let us get so close; it was pretty cool.  I spent quite a few minutes completely absorbed by this squirrel and all his awesomeness.  I tried to break away a few times, but then he’d do something cute.  My friend and I joked that I was being so typically A.D.H.D., “Oh, look!  A Squirrel!”  But, seriously, guys, they are pretty awesome.

ADHD and Squirrels Get NutMegged

It’s not just my A.D.H.D., you know this squirrel is awesome.

And just to be clear, I did take pictures of the awesome view and other stuff, too, but I didn’t want to bombard you guys with a million different pictures (I’ll save that for another post).

Hiking ADHD GetNutMegged

ADHD and the outdoors – we get along.


  1. I was doing so well today and then a squirrel!!! Gee thanks… 😉
    Beautiful pictures. We used to have a black squirrel that lived by our house and he was a sort of family member as he would eat the walnuts from out walnut tree on our deck. He was hit by a car last year and we miss our little buddy… I think our cat does to !


    1. Sorry I didn’t respond sooner. I’ve been away for a while. Just wanted to say thanks for commenting and for understanding. Rabbits can be equally as distracting! As can an assortment of other animals. Heck, let’s just say all animals can be adorably distracting…and sometimes leaves, rocks, dirt, etc. that look like animals (at first glance) can be, too. 😂


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